Monday, March 7, 2011

GIMP: Create a Pencil or Charcoal Sketch from Photo.

1. Duplicate the Photo
2. On Duplicate layer: Color-> Colorize the image-> Set Saturation to '0'.
3. Duplicate this color-less layer again.
4. Now choose Filters / Blur / Gaussian Blur, value: 5 by 5 and hit 'ok'.
5. Then use Colors / Invert. Then change the opacity of the layer to 50% to get a grey layer that shows the photo’s edges very weak.
6. Merge the layer with the layer down: right-click the layer in the Layers window and choose “Merge down”.
7. Duplicate the merged down layer And change the mode to 'Dodge'.
8. Then merge down 3rd and 2nd layer. Duplicate it again and select the 3rd layer and set the mode to 'Multiply' and merge them down.
9. Repeat the process - the features become more detailed and looks more like a charcoal drawing than a pencil drawing.